Monday, April 26, 2010

One of Golf’s Toughest Shots Made Easy

On bunker shots of over 40 yards, try using your 9-iron instead of your sand wedge next time.

Swing the same way you hit a sand wedge explosion shot and the 9-iron will give you much more room for error.

Just be sure to swing thru on an "out to in" path and keep your left arm firm at impact. The ball will usually come out low, so leave room for some roll.

Remember, you don't have to hit your sand wedge every time you are in the sand - or your pitching wedge every time you need to pitch. Sometimes other clubs will do a better job based on distance needed and the way the ball is sitting.


  1. Depending on where you're playing, I've seen people useing a putter out of the sand trap, close to the green.

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